Concierge Estate Closure

Concierge Estate Closure

Losing a loved one is incredibly difficult. We unfortunately cannot make the emotional side any easier. However this pain is often compounded by heirs being left confused and overwhelmed about what to do with the estate and various assets. We recognize that we can make this easier. We work closely with the executor/executrix as an advisor and friend to navigate all aspects of the estate.

Who is it for:

  • Anyone in the position of handling a love one's estate

What is included:

  • Act as an Advisor to trustees
  • Help navigate wills
  • Create checklists for Trustee
  • Help Navigate Probate System
  • Assistance communicating with other professionals as needed
  • Important contact list (Auctioneers, junk removal, realtors, attorneys, etc.)

What are the costs:

  • Dependent on complexity