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The Journey to Retirement, The Summit Navigating Retirement

Retirement Planning Programs

The Journey to Retirement

Retirement Visions in Focus

As you approach your retirement, it's important to adapt to the evolving landscape of financial independence. Modern retirement isn't just about timing; it's about developing a plan for the lifestyle you aspire to have. Whether you're looking to retire early, embark on a second career, or explore new horizons, let's create your path to a fulfilling retirement together.

Understand Your Goals

Retirement today takes on a whole different look than decades ago. Today, many people what to know “if” they can retire, not just “when”. Today’s retirees are presented with many options on how to spend their “golden” years. We work with you to set goals and generate the income and lifestyle you desire.

Retired couple sitting on a park bench after a bike ride.

Strategize the Approach

This is not a one-size-fits-all approach. You have worked hard to build during your working years. We strive to help you make your money work. Whether you choose to retire early, start a second career (because you want to), or go further, we will coordinate a plan for you.

Man wearing a scarf and sweater laying on the grass covered in fall leaves.

Investment Selection

We’ll get to know your personal financial philosophies and your specific investment interests to guide us on making the best choices for you. Choosing individual investments requires time, research, and monitoring, so let us put our knowledge and experience to work!

Financial Advisor holding a virtual whiteboard of charts and words about saving.

Advisory Options

Sometimes it’s better to look at the bigger picture and choose a portfolio that offers more advisory services. This could be a portfolio that automatically adjusts itself to your timeline, focuses on specific industries, or even offers special features that monitor market patterns.

Retired couple with financial adivsor sitting at a desking signing paperwork.

Ongoing Monitoring

We believe that as your life changes, you’re investment needs will change too. Annual reviews are an essential part of our client process, where we discuss how we can adapt or maintain your portfolio to meet your needs.

3 generations of women.

The Summit - Navigating Retirement

Navigating Your Way Down the Mountain

Congratulations!  You are retired and ready to start another chapter in your life. Hopefully, we were with you on The Journey to Retirement,  but if not we are here to help you navigate your way through retirement. The Summit Program is designed to help you navigate your retirement and make thoughtful decisions on income planning, Tax Planning, and Estate planning.

The Summit

The view from the top is the most unobstructed view you will find. This is your time to begin imagining life after retirement and communicate those dreams to your financial advisor. You've reached the Summit and that is a huge accomplishment in itself. But you still have a descent ahead, and the path you take down should be based on your unique goals and dreams.

Close view of man at top of mountain looking down at sunset.

The Descent

One mistake an experienced climber never makes is neglecting the threat that the descent poses. After all, reaching the summit is only the half-way point. It's in this stage that immediate and unexpected crises will arise - disability, long-term care, health concerns, just to name a few possibilities. These obstacles will require you to make adjustments to your approach and your plan as needed.

Man with hat and backpack squatting down in the mountains looking at a map.

The Hike

At some point in your descent, you will notice that the ground begins to flatten out a bit. The danger of a cliff around every corner dissipates and you can begin to focus a bit more on progress, rather than survival. During the Hike, it's vital to track the progress of your downward descent. And a big part of that is monitoring how fluctuating external factors are affecting your plan.

Large fallen tree represent how fluctuating external factors are affecting your plan.

Base Camp

After you've been on a long hike, the feeling you get when you are finally able to sit back at camp, crawl in the tent and pop your shoes off is like none other. Once you've completed the second half of your journey, your only job now is to experience less stress and more enjoyment. Your goals have been met. So take a minute to reflect on the accomplishments of your Journey.

Man laying in tent looking out at mountains reflecting on the accomplishments of his Journey.

We are excited to hear from you!

Schedule an Appointment!

Whether you are just starting your career and need help navigating to retirement or are retired and need help navigating through retirement. We have retirement programs to help! The Journey focuses on helping you navigate up the mountain to retirement and The Summit helps you navigate your way back down the mountain during retirement. 

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