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About Me

My goal is to help every person that meets with me to save taxes, protect assets, and build wealth. In this current role I feel extremely blessed to be partnered with multiple CPAs and Tax Professionals who specialize in tax strategies, business development, and client-centric practices. In these partnerships, my team helps facilitate these strategies as many of the solutions flow through my office.

A little bit about me . . .
  • I grew up on a farm in Southern Minnesota, in the Scenic Minnesota River Valley.
  • Athletics were my focus in high school and college – competing at high levels.
  • I have been happily married for 26 years and the proud father of a 24-year-old son.
  • In my adult life, I have owned and ran several businesses mostly pertaining to building homes and serving others.
  • My wife and I were foster parents for three years mainly providing respite care.
  • I founded a non-profit 501(3)(c) utilizing our hobby farm to provide animal assisted therapy to people with disabilities. I was blessed to be able to help young people on the spectrum, the foster children that came through our care, and seniors in assisted living by visiting them with our trained therapy dogs.
  • I enjoy live music and exploring the history and natural beauty around the areas I reside.

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