Your Retirement, Your Way


Welcome To The Journey!

Currently in the United States, for every 100 people who reach 65... 1 is wealthy, 19 are financially independent, 15 are required to keep working, 19 died before 65, and 46 are dependent.

In the richest country in history, 46% of Americans can't support themselves in retirement years.

We can do better! Successful achievements of personal goals require careful strategic planning along with disciplined implementation. The Journey is a systematic approach to the achievement of your goals and objectives, like a well-planned climbing expedition.

Why Choose Us?

We use a “holistic approach” to wealth management. Our systems, procedures and techniques have been refined by years of experience making us an efficient and productive wealth management company.


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Welcome to the Summit!

You have been planning, saving, and sacrificing, all with anticipation that you will achieve your goal of a comfortable retirement. You have reached the Summit in your planning. This should not be a concern, but an opportunity to celebrate and congratulate yourself for a job well done. However, after the celebration is over, one of the first thoughts you may have is, "Where to from here?"

Welcome to the Summit!

It's important to remember that climbing to the summit is a round trip. Achievement of the Summit is only half the journey. In fact, the most dangerous and challenging part of the journey is yet ahead.

The Summit is a program that helps you identify real wealth and address not only your money and income but the more than money needs you will face. This is accomplished by focusing on critical elements that will reduce anxiety and allow you to live a less stressful life.